

Author: 星野恵瑠

Mac user, Niji-Ota, Chinese, Now working in Japan at MAGES. Inc., Future's aim is that one day my name can be listed in Wikipedia

5 thoughts on “会誌販売会です!”

  1. 在我朝搞这个首先需要联系社团要申请表,填写完毕后交出具体规划然后静待团委审批___审批过后需要考察场地__然后审定日期__然后拉赞助__然后租借设备___然后请嘉宾__然后绘制嘉宾牌___然后布置会场___然后穿插节目___然后1234567890领导发言总结___然后收拾___然后一起吃饭__然后喝到要死___然后丢东西__然后回到寝室狂吐__然后死觉__然后交总结报告__然后计算费用___然后弄收据____然后请团委报销___然后团委说然后再说吧___于是整个人都早栗饼了______有没有敢按R的?! (XD)

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