

于是只好拿老爸的x61连3G的无线网来上网,然后最为可笑的是居然3G网的质量非常不稳定,甚至还不如CDMA 1x的速度- -b


Author: 星野恵瑠

Mac user, Niji-Ota, Chinese, Now working in Japan at MAGES. Inc., Future's aim is that one day my name can be listed in Wikipedia

28 thoughts on “于是很痛苦的只有无线上网”

  1. 欢迎回到兲朝啊~~

  2. 怪了,这两天死活上不了你的博,现在终于上来了。呵呵,临时住处需要克服诸多不便……

  3. 我一直觉得我朝的3G是个很可笑的事情,我觉得是把经费都用在广告推广上了,硬件还很差强人意。

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