Trying to make an English post

Why to try to make a English post? Because the introduction of this blog SAIS that there are English posts in this blog, but actually, till now, there are only THREE english posts>_< So, in order to practice English as well as to fill this blog with more English posts, I made this decision to make a English post here 画圈圈
So, what’s the topic? Well, that’s a good question, every post NEED a topic, or it’ll be “Water Post” in Chinese, which means a post without any topic, or any valuable information

Well, i’ve just watched the WWDC 2007, very old right? Actually i was reviewing it, that was a Keynote, or a presentation of Apple about its products. The full name is World-Wid Developers’ Conference, so you may get the idea that it’s mainly about how to develop softwares on a Mac right?

But well, that’s not all, to Apple, it’s also a great opportunity to announce to the world that they have made great hardwares and softwares to the customers, for example in the WWDC 2007, Apple published the new release of Mac OS X called Leopard, and they say it had over 300+ new features, and showed us 10 key new features to us. With that, we knew what Leopard looks like before it released, and Apple made us wishing to get it earlier

By the way, these days Microsoft pressed a new series of advertisements named Laptop Hunters, the basic story is let a customer find a laptop he or she likes within any price he or she wishes, and if he or she succeeded in finding it, Microsoft pays for him or her. Well, of course this series is to tell the world that Macs are too expensive so users should better buy a PC but not a Mac. Actually every one of those four advertisements now pressed obviously told the truth that to buy a mac cost more money that to buy a PC with the same specs.
But the problems is, well, we all know that Microsoft is just a SOFTWARE company, maybe almost all notebooks which are not released by Apple run Windows as the primary OS, but what involved with MICROSOFT do you want to show us with these advertisements? HP or SONY is the best laptop producers? (Actually, with the four advertisements, 3 of them gave us the result that HP’s notebook is the favorite one of those who in the advertisements, and the last one gave us the result that is SONY)

Also, these advertisements DO NOT seem natural at all, those customers in the advertisements just look like an actor who have never played in a movie or theater, they seem just READ what was given by Microsoft

Well, really, a Mac is a kind of expensive, but it’s not that expensive than a normal PC, for example running Windows of course a Anti-Virus software is needed, but not in a Mac; also many Windows users often need to reboot or even reinstall Windows some times a year for SOME reasons, but how about a Mac? no, you rarely need to reboot your system, and you really do NOT need to reinstall your Mac OS X in most situations, except you really wish to break your system. Well there are still a lot of advantages of using a Mac that i can list but that’s not today’s topic, so I’ll just stop it here

So you may see that after Bill Gates retired, Microsoft tends really worse, they’re losing their marketing share, and the are making worse Windows (you may know something about Vista), and now they’re even making an unbelievable bad advertisement.

Finally, well, today is anniversary of WenChuan Earthquake, so let’s just pray for those were dead last year’s today in that earthquake

Author: 星野恵瑠

Mac user, Niji-Ota, Chinese, Now working in Japan at MAGES. Inc., Future's aim is that one day my name can be listed in Wikipedia

7 thoughts on “Trying to make an English post”

  1. Well, seems this site have just enlighten my spirits~i was building my own site right now~ but it was a question right here?~ why not use i18n to handle your multi-language problem?~i was using i18n to figure my sites~Multi-version anyways~ Both key-fan~looking forward to your response~nice article~

  2. @EmiNarcissus:
    Translation tools like Google Translation or Excite Translation cannot handle especially Net Language well (Such as Japanese’s 東方厨), and also some new words, that’s why I don’t use any translation tools to handle any multi-language problems 喝茶

  3. @Lovee:
    seems there was some misunderstand~i18n was designed to figure out a way to handle your page rending.for example,your explorer was configured to sending responding with the language head of “GBK2312” then i18n will respond this request with an encoding method of “GB2312”,or it might request with “JIS” or something like that,it would respond depending on your config~ it’s just a cool thing~

  4. @Lovee:
    Unicode is okay~but is not really friendly to visitor~
    some of my U.S friend visit my site and told me,is Chinese everywhere,i could say nothing,but just trying to figure out a way to respond in a manner way~ that is give a English site to a English-native-spoken,give a Chinese site to a Chinese-spoken~ To me is really necessary
    But to be a blog, sometimes i18n might not that necessarily. That depends~

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