


This page is a guestbook, please feel free to write down anything as a comment

Author: 星野恵瑠

Mac user, Niji-Ota, Chinese, Now working in Japan at MAGES. Inc., Future's aim is that one day my name can be listed in Wikipedia

65 thoughts on “Guestbook”

  1. @yx_wh:

  2. 俺也在留言板上踩一脚

    oooO ↘┏━┓ ↙ Oooo
    ( 踩)→┃你┃ ←(死 )
    \ ( →┃√┃ ← ) /
      \_)↗┗━┛ ↖(_/

  3. 日元最新汇率8.0874…… 已经无力吐槽了……

  4. @iNks:
    MobileMe主要是Mac/PC和各个iOS设备之间的同步用很方便 (OoO) 8过即使如此加上区区20G的网盘一年99美刀是否值得也是因人而异了;只是运气好的话可能今天晚上MobileMe会升级

  5. 今晚完全和IOS无关呢…感觉MM就是懒人和ios设备多到爆的人才值得用了除了FIND MY IPHONE不错…还是接电脑同步吧…THX

  6. @独星:
    不在日本的话不推荐这个主机 (OoO) 价格又贵中国大陆的访问还(根据ISP)慢的一塌糊涂,最大的好处只是从日本的访问超快以及没有流量限制

  7. 帮我翻译一下……谷歌不准……翻译成日语(括号的仅供参考~)


  8. @独星:

  9. 我就说你的关于里10月10日怎么那么熟…猛的一想起来原来是国共两党重庆谈判那一天…你真会挑日子= =

  10. lz我keyfc时代就开始看你的博客了~而且发现你和我一样是果控,缘分啊

    1. 有什么iphone上的日语学习软件推荐么?
    2. 日本那边名古屋18w/月够活么?


  11. @硫酸:
    1、呃……iPhone上的学习软件不清楚呢 (;;) 其实偶都没用过这些东西,不好意思的说
    2、18W一个月在名古屋作为留学生来说已经都可以小资一下了啊 (TAT) 咱一个月最穷困的时候只有不到10W

  12. I don’t leave many comments, but I browsed through some responses here Guestbook –
    Crazism. I do have some questions for you if it’s okay.
    Could it be only me or does it look as if like a few of these comments look like
    they are written by brain dead individuals? :-P And, if you are writing on additional social sites, I would like to follow you.

    Would you post a list of every one of all your social
    community sites like your twitter feed, Facebook page or linkedin profile?

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