
嘛这一期的动画目前个人评价最高的是两个:Kill me baby和妖狐×僕SS,前者是纯粹的恶搞动画,尤其是ED引来了不少人尝试去跳好吧那个单手倒立跳似乎太难了于是基本没人去跳,甚至泥口动上还专门成立了“有本事去跳”的tag XD真可惜咱初中的时候没学跳街舞



p.s. 比特客栈前段时间做的调查已经出结果了,欢迎大家去围观~~~
再p.s. 玲緒っぽいらじお各种美!杏花声音各种萌!!

Author: 星野恵瑠

Mac user, Niji-Ota, Chinese, Now working in Japan at MAGES. Inc., Future's aim is that one day my name can be listed in Wikipedia

20 thoughts on “凛々蝶様可愛い!”

  1. 于是咱用Safari访问乃blog时遇到了这个:

    Invalid Session
    You are logged in on another computer or your session has expired.
    What can you do to solve the error:
    Please logout and login again.
    If the error persists, please click here to send a mail with technical details about the error to our support.


  2. キルミーベイベー的ED太神了太神了太神了⋯⋯

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